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CMS Pages

Page List

CMS Page List

In the admin area of the site, under the Content menu there is a table with one row for each page that you are allowed to edit (usually just the pages that you have created). The columns display the metadata for the page and have links and buttons to act on that page.

The column headings have up and down arrows that may be clicked to sort on that column's data.

The first column's heading allows you to sort by page id which is the absolute page creation order, regardless of the date assigned to the page. There is also a that can be clicked to create a new page.

The first column for each page row has the following buttons:

- launches a preview of the page in a new window
- opens the Page Editor with the page loaded
- Only shown on pages that have not yet been published - click this icon to publish the page

Page Editor

CMS Page Editor

The Page Editor, used to create and edit pages, has the following buttons:

- brings you back to the Page List
- relaunches the Page Editor with default metadata and blank content in order to create a new page
- launches a Markdown Cheatsheet in a separate browser window
- leaves the editor to show the finished page - be sure to save your work first
- displays the finished page in a separate browser window
- saves the page
Media Picker - opens a dialog that let's you upload files or link to previously uploaded files for use in the content
Select Tags - opens a dialog to add or remove tags for this page

The Page Editor also has three tabs:

The Metadata tab is where you specify the information about the page all of the fields are required and self-explanatory, except for the flags:

CMS Page Editor

The Content tab is the where you type the page using markdown or HTML. We use the Coder's Textarea which includes some macros for common operations.

Note that everything in this field is searchable by the end user. Because of this, you should avoid HTML markup, <script> tags, <style> tags, etc that you don't want the end user to find when searching the site.

That said, sometimes markup is unavoidable, and a very useful tag is <div class="panel to-sidebar" markdown="1"> which results in searchable sidebar content.

The Scripts tab has two fields for non-searchable code that is inserted just before the closing body tag.

The first field, labeled scripts, takes a comma separated list of URLs for external JavaScript files. Each URL is used as the src attribute of a <script> tag.

The second field on the Scripts Tag is labeled tail to indicate that this is the bottom of the page and any <script> tags will be after all external script tags. But the tail can contain more than script tags. Here are some of the ways we use this field:


new UBOW.PageSummaryFetcher('#project-summaries', {
  col_class: "col-xs-6",
  extra: { by:'cat', id:'7,19' },
  renderedPage: () => UBOW.resize(),
  uid: 7,