Research & Development
A Coder's Textarea

As a developer from way back, I have found that the best approach is to hand-code the markup.

That said, I have also finally moved to the web for much of my work flow: Much of the things that I used to write in a text editor and then upload, and I am now creating directly in the browser.

So, while the rest of the world wants wysiwyg, I want a decent browser based text editor, with a small footprint.

Update: since I first wrote this article, almost three years ago, I am still using this editor — to make this note in fact!

I have switched to Markdown, and now I'm even more convinced that this is the way to go — never more productive...

My hope is to use a textarea augmented with a bit of css and javascript.


So what are the features that comprise a professional quality coder's editor? Here are my minimum acceptable requirements:

What's Out There?

A few quick searches provided the following

In a nutshell, it quickly became apparent that I should begin prototyping my textarea editor. In fact, I am writing this page in my first stable version!

Quite some time after writing my own, I discovered BBC's JHC Webitor which stands for Javascript, HTML and CSS Web Editor. Making this note simply because it might be useful in the future.

Rabbit Holes

Seems like I always go down some rabbit holes on every project — Oh, well, that Leads to learning some new things as well as some new page content

Draggable Div

I've done this before, you just set position:absolute on the div you want to move. But, this time I wanted a nice reusable method and I wanted to do it right. Seems to me that means

Not difficult, but a digression nonetheless. See Moveable/draggable, for some of the issues. Bottom line, I have my reusable code which is better than any of the samples!

Getting & setting Selections

Just a frustrating case of code bloat to deal with browser incompatibilities — as I often do now, I ended up ripping out the IE support!

Here is the link, in case you want to use it How to get selected text from textbox control with javascript


As mentioned above, the sample code I first used was very naive. But on closer examination, I realized the split/join vs regular expression approaches are an interesting conversation

I use regular expressions since I want case sensitivity and whole words as find options. But then the issue of returning the positions of a regex call is also fraught with possibilities.