Family History
Have you ever been frustrated trying to find an old (or not so old) facebook post? Or wish that there was some context for your gallery images?
Timelines is an easy alternative that focuses on the connections between posts, people, images, and dates.
Check out to see some of the possibilities!
I am an American who came to Thailand and needed a way to easily track the relationships of my Thai wife's family as well as our adopted and biological kids. Not only that, I needed a way to share my experiences with my family and friends back home.
As an added benefit, you can generate a family trees — and friend trees — from your content
Or, if you have ever tried to understand the players and sequence of events surrounding an ancient text, you're sure to appreciate the alasnome approach.
Or. maybe you are fascinated by the complex bloodlines of the royals.
Easily build a timeline for an era, region, and tags of interest and you are quickly presented with a chronology of events. Then get a quick summary of each person, place or thing in every event with with a single click that also gives you easy access to external links.
The Team at alasNoMe understands the frustrations for students and researchers when sorting through un-vetted web sites with no system of comparison. We have fixed that problem to greatly stream line your research.
We offer a comprehensive set of people, books, music, paintings, and other objects from the historical record and present their connections in clear easy to understand displays. Click on items to jump to connected items or to related offsite content.
Streamline your research with our standardized event format: All pertinent information is clearly organized to facilitate efficient processing.
Quick easy registration entitles you to contribute to the knowledge base.